Markiplier Wiki
"You Have Been Summoned by Kick Club"
You Have Been Summoned by Kick Club
Release date December 13, 2020
Length 37:02
Link You Have Been Summoned by Kick Club
Series Kick Club
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"You Have Been Summoned by Kick Club" is a live action episode of Kick Club by Markiplier.


You have been activated. Mission parameters incoming. Follow the instructions and complete the mission. Do not stop. Do not yield. Kick without mercy.


As part of Tiltify's Thankmas 2020, Mark hosts a surprise livestream, asking his audience to support charity donation goals of other streamers that he raided on his broadcast. The highlighted YouTube broadcasters include KingCow, SharkBaitTales, ScottishFilm Productions, Nervly, Mind Blown Channle and Sir Sim-Alot.
