Markiplier Wiki

Darkiplier000 Darkiplier000 13 May 2019


Has anyone seen Markipliers newest video titled DAMIEN.    if so tell me your thoughts. OMG my theory is maybe this is happening through when Damien and Celine are in the mirror at the final episode of WKM . And that explains why at the end you can see Damien is having the same aura as Darkiplier. WHich would tie into why Darkiplier is after Markiplier.  Celine told Damien to make the bastard( mayor mark) pay right before they went through the change.  So Darkiplier goes after mark trying to get him killed for the past.

heres the link to the video DAMIEN

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Darkiplier000 Darkiplier000 12 April 2019


hey    guys   what  markiplier series should i watch next  i have watched   his   scp series, subnaturica,  d ying light,  a bunch of others 

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Darkiplier000 Darkiplier000 1 April 2019

just a poem by dark to wilf

Till our paths collide my friend

What happened we were best of friends,

Now here we are  oh so faded.

Dropping like flies  in our case dropping dead.

But we never Expected it to happen   

Yet you're not dead , just gone.

I promised I would  be there

Yet im not.

I hear you  shouting saying it's all a joke.

You're all alone now , a wanted criminal you are

You're covered in blood clean yourself,

Blood keeps dripping on the white tiles.

You're crying  you're begging for  us to return

But we cant were  faded.

My black suit is gone  on my body now holds a tuxedo.

Damien who I once was is now  gone here is Darkiplier.

Wilford my dear friend, won't you respond im hugging you.

It's okay im here I try to make you see.

Im sorry  written on the  wall.

Im sorry written in…

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