Markiplier Wiki
Markiplier Wiki
Release date November 15, 2021
Length 28:59
Outro song Crazy La Paint
Editor(s) Lixian, Nerd Fiction, and rad R
One-Off Guide
Games Dungeoneer
Total Ski Jump
Realm of Alters
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"ILASWPARSGFMTP #2" is the one-off episode of Dungeoneer, Total Ski Jump, and Realm of Alters played by Markiplier.


We're letting the wheel decide my fate once again! What glorious steam games with random chance pick for me today?


Following up from his previous video, Mark again uses Steam Game Gauntlet, a random number generator website that specializes in listing out random Steam games without personalized recommendations. The games he settles on are Dungeoneer, Total Ski Jump, and Realm of Alters. The video's name is also an abbreviation of the preceding video's title, "I Let a Sketchy Website Pick a Random Steam Game for Me to Play."

Markiplier's Steam reviews[]

After completing each of the three titles, Markiplier left the following reviews:

A particularly life-changing experience, in that my life was moving forward as the beauty of this game unfolded before my eyes. It almost felt as though I was merely along for the ride on this majestic, continent-spanning adventure.

Woah be unto thee who underestimates just how much time you will put into this game. Because of the fun. Of course.[1]

—Dungeoneer Steam review

The English language is woefully insufficient when tasked with the challenge of attributing the correct vernacular towards describing the magnificence of the experience of playing this game. No greater mystery has ever captivated my attention quite like the mechanics of this game.

True to it's name, it is total and complete. The very essence of the jump distilled into a single moment of glorious flight.[2]

—Total Ski Jump Steam review

My hands are a broken ruin. This game held them so tightly that my bones shattered mere moments after opening the game. But there was yet a warmth. A warm, bosomy, warmth that spread from my devastated phalanges. I yearn yearnily for that warmth to touch me once more. But maybe not so hard next time.[3]

—Realm of Alters Steam review


  • According to the date of Mark's Steam reviews, the video was recorded on October 24, 2021.[1][2][3]

