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Markiplier Wiki
Dead Space 2
DS2 Generic Cover
Game information
Platform(s) PC
Publisher(s) Electronic Arts
Genre(s) Sci-Fi Survival Horror
Run May 31, 2012 -
June 21, 2012
Episodes 35
Status Complete
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Dead Space 2 is a third-person science-fiction survival horror video game played by Markiplier. It is the sequel to the 2008 Dead Space and the second installment in the original Dead Space trilogy. It is followed by Dead Space 3.

Game Information[]

The player controls Isaac Clarke from a third-person perspective, looking over the character's right shoulder. As in the previous game, the game uses the Resource Integration Gear (RIG) suit, an in-world heads-up display (HUD) system that uses holograms projected from Isaac's suit and weapons to show information such as messages and ammunition count. In vacuum areas, a timer appears on Isaac's right shoulder, counting how much oxygen his suit has before he suffocates. The RIG also uses gauges on Isaac's back to display his health and stasis module levels. If Isaac's health or air reaches zero, or if the player fails to survive a quick-time event, Isaac will die, forcing the player to restart from the last checkpoint.


External links[]
