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Markiplier Wiki

The following category lists video games whose Let's Plays were discontinued. The reasons behind them vary; From lack of interest to loss of computer data.

In order for a title to be categorized as a "dropped game", it must have a predetermined conclusion that Mark had failed to reach during his playthrough. This usually applies to single-player titles, but can also include multiplayer PvE games. Player-vs-player and titles with an endless game loop do not fit this description. This criteria does not apply to story-driven games where Mark never initiated the main questline and only ever played its side content, alternative modes, or multiplayer sessions without an end goal. If an ongoing Let's Play is not continued within the next three months since its last episode, provided that the title in question has a continuation, the game's playthrough status should be marked as "dropped." Additional specifications are to be added if a completed game's content differs from the version played by Mark, such as alphas, demos, early access, downloadable content expansions, definitive editions, etc.

All items (113)
